Virtual Machine’s Boot status :
<# .NOTES **************************************** Created by: Rajiv Pandey Web URL: **************************************** .DESCRIPTION It will display the VM's boot status , either VM's booting to the Guest OS or being forced to boot into BIOS. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$True, Position=0)] [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Impl.V1.Inventory.InventoryItemImpl[]] $VM, [switch]$IsSetup ) Process { if($IsSetup) { $Execute = $VM | where {$_.ExtensionData.Config.BootOptions.EnterBiosSetup -eq "true"} | Select Name,@{Name="EnterBiosSetup";Expression={$_.ExtensionData.config.BootOptions.EnterBiosSetup}} } else { $Execute = $VM | Select Name,@{Name="EnterBiosSetup";Expression={$_.ExtensionData.config.BootOptions.EnterBiosSetup}} } } End {$Execute} }
Thanks hope you like it.
Rajiv Pandey.